
Thursday 14 March 2013

Nastronomical News

I have been so very shy about sharing this news with you all. It feels like now that I have decided to move on to the next chapter, a fear has set in that has rendered me almost paralyzed in regards to writing. I am just going to jump...with eyes wide open and trust that I will land on my feet. So here goes....

Jabajanas is moving. Well, I have already moved.

No, not physically. I am still a resident of my beautiful island of Jamaica though I am not yet finished with my time in Barbados (more on that later).

I have bought my own domain and I will now be blogging, vlogging and all things documentary over at I have wanted my own domain for a while and I am truly excited to finally have a piece of this internet that I can call my own (for a fee every month. Lol). All the same, I hope you all continue on this journey with me and I look forward to your love and support and I hope it only increases from here on out.
I have enjoyed writing for all of you and I don't think that will ever change. What will change is what I write about.

In seeking to discover my niche, and in part- my truth, I will be broadening the things I write about to see what sticks, what feels like home and also, what feels like a place I need to visit from time o time because comfort sometimes leads to complacency and I never want to get complacent.

This is not goodbye. I don't know if I will ever write here again but I am much too emotional now to shut down Jabajanas. Rather, I will look at it as a See You Later and figuratively put my posts in a well-decorated shoebox and put atop a shelf in my closet. I will take down the box and reminisce on the contents from time to time whenever I am feeling "nastalgic".

This brings me nicely into my latest feature on my new site- Nastalgic Thursday- which is my version of Throwback Thursday. I look back at a subject that brings up memories for me of my younger years or just something in history that was relevant and can now be classified as retro. My first post features Brandy Norwood and I encourage you to check it out here.

I already have so much to share with you. I am on the last leg of my journey here in Barbados and it feels so different this time around. I also just turned 25 and that has significantly (and unexpectedly) changed my approach to my life and relationships. I hope to share as much with you as I can. I will still keep some things for myself but I am eager to share what I feel comfortable divulging.

As always, thank you for your love and support and thank you most of all for reading. See you at the new house!

Much love,
Yours Truly,