Disclaimer: This post was written in the midst of my first set of exams at Cave Hill (Barbados) in my second year of law. Let me set the scene:- I am a law student reading for my Bachelor of Laws at UWI. I am in the Cave Hill programme which means I am away from home. Law exams are 100% finals and you have 2 hours to do 3 essays. That’s right. Your fate is decided within two hours and you have to write as if you are already a legal scholar because that is the caliber of person that will be marking your paper. No pressure, right? Now on to the post.

You give yourself pep talks or you get them from your support group (family, friends etc). You make study timetables and try to manage your time wisely. You tell yourself “You can do this!” so many times, yourself starts replying “Shut Up!” You begin to realize…..you are talking to yourself way too much for it to still be considered healthy. You look around for solace in your colleagues and classmates and it hits you- we are all in this together but we are all alone. Melodramatic, huh? Well, if you have not experienced melodramatic moments during exam time, I’d like to see you in a dark room as well. This post is to let you know that your plight does not go unnoticed and it may or may not pay off (no sugar-coating) but, just so you spend less time beating up on yourself for things you cannot control, here are some givens about exams periods which you should just accept and adjust to
All rules about grooming go out the door. Men, this is a good time to try that scruffy look. You will be excused. Ladies, get those hoodies and sneakers washed and cleaned and say bye to high-maintenance hairstyles. No one will notice the effort you put in any way. For reasons unknown, guilt accompanies any acts of grooming that are above the bare minimum. Note, that you should not sacrifice hygiene. People will notice your funky breath and body odour
A deeper connection with one’s faith will occur. Even the atheist and agnostics get in touch with some kind of spirituality when trying to remember that one theory by that one guy that that one lecturer said you MUST mention and you have somehow forgotten.
You may forget to eat…or sleep. Often times, we find ourselves choosing between one of these two. We may find ourselves too tired to eat even though we are hungry but the time it would take to go make something to eat could be spent studying or resting to study some more. I recommend doing one’s best to deviate from this belief of sacrifice, however, because the body needs to be healthy to perform to its highest potential. The stress of studying is already challenging it. You need food so you can have the energy to study. You need rest so that your body (notably your brain) can recharge when you have depleted it of all its energies.
You may find yourself contemplating a career change. Suddenly the field of "hustling" gains so much appeal to you. For law students, it is likely that your mind starts to wander and careers that are on the OTHER side of the law begin to seem...not-so-bad. All I'll say where this is concerned is: Don't quit your day job until revenue is a surity in your new one. Also, this is not an encouragement to stray to the wrong side of the tracks so I will not be held liable for any such changes in career and I will not be defending any of you in the future. :)
If you read this and none of these behaviours are common place for you, just know that no one likes you and those of us who are affected wish for you to disappear.
A Student Being Ravaged By Exams
P.S. Now that you know all of this, please proceed to notice these behaviours within yourself and realize that it is a normal and arguably necessary phase of your life. It is not the end. Exams are about slow torture, they would not kill you so quickly. It has been done before and it will be done after. Remember that no institution, grade or accolade is worth your sanity and align your practices with your goals in the most efficient manner possible. Rather than study hard, study smart. Learn what works for you. And take vitamins. Stress weakens your immune system and you do NOT want to be sick during exam time.
(All pictures were taken from Google Images)
(All pictures were taken from Google Images)
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